Ranked 37th globally

Located in Melbourne, Monash University, a distinguished member of Australia's Group of 8, is renowned for its excellence in teaching and research. Graduates from these universities tend to secure full-time employment more swiftly, command higher salaries, and are more inclined to pursue postgraduate studies.

As Australia's largest university, Monash boasts over 86,000 students, including more than 29,000 international students from over 160 countries.  The university offers a diverse array of programs across ten faculties.  

Singapore Enquiry & Application Centre

Our FREE Services for Students in Singapore

Monash UniversityInfo & Appln Week

  • We are here to answer all the queries you have
  • Provide you detailed information regarding the entry requirements, application process, courses, student life etc 
  • Special: Arrange a meeting for you to speak with Uni Staff where possible
  • Certification of your application documents.
  • Helping you submit yr application. Special: Most Appln Fee Waived!
  • Scholarship Advice
  • Seek Credit Exemptions (For Poly Students)
  • Visa Guidance
  • Booking Accommodation
  • Pre Departure Advice

this Monday-Friday: 10am-6.30pm

this Saturday: 10.30am-2.30pm

Level 7 Orchard Shopping Centre321 Orchard Rd S238866(Next to 313 Somerset MRT Exit B)

Our services are university-funded and free for you, so why not take advantage of our services?

Who are we?

We are one of Singapore leading Overseas Education Consultancy, passionate about helping students fulfill their dreams of studying abroad. Since 2002, we have been appointed by >100 Overseas Institutions including World Top 100 Unis from the UK, Australia, Switzerland, Ireland & USA & helped thousands of students to study overseas.

Reach out to us today!

Kindly fill up the form and our senior counsellor will get in touch with you asap or you can just visit our office directly :)

Types of Degree Offered by Monash University

Comprehensive Degree

Double Degree

  • Allows you to study for two degrees at the same time
  • 4-5 years in length
  • Three-year degree

Benefits of Monash Degree

Benefits of Monash Double Degree

  • Choose your major right away, or wait until second year to decide
  • Structure your course to suit you
  • Provides the opportunity to take up to a third of the course as electives
  • Only adds 1 year to your single degree journey
  • Graduate up to two years sooner

Polytechnic students may qualify for a credit exemption of 6 months to 1 year. Contact us to learn more about entry requirements, application processes, degree programs, accommodation, credit exemptions and more — all at no cost!"

Monash International Merit Scholarship (A$10,000 per yr)

Sir John Monash Scholarship for Excellence

International students from any country who have been offered a place in an undergraduate course at Monash will be automatically considered for the Monash International Merit Scholarship. Recipients of this scholarship will receive $10,000 annually for the entire duration of their degree.

Limited Scholarship! Contact us to learn more!

Pathway to Monash University 

Alternative route to direct entry 

O Level Students

Enrol into a Foundation Year Program (10-12 months) and proceed to University Year 1 Directly upon completion

A Level/IB Students/Polytechnic Students who is unable to meet direct entry requirements

You can take a Monash College Diploma Part 2 (4-12 months) which allows you to proceed straight to 2nd Year Directly upon completion.  


You can take a Monash College Diploma Part 1 (9 months) which you to proceed straight to 1st Year upon Completion.  

A$8,000 Scholarship may be available for Foundation Year as well as Diploma Part 1 & 2 Programs. Find out more on the Pathway Programs as well as scholarship from us!


Study in UK & Australia

Open House@Orchard

This Mon- Fri: 10am-6.30pm

This Sat: 10.30am-2.30pm

Level 7 Orchard Shopping Centre

321 Orchard Road S238866

(Next to 313 Somerset MRT Exit B)

Contact us Today!

Walk in for free consultation

Mon-Fri 10.00am to 6.30pm

Saturday 10.00am to 2.00pm

Other Timings : Pls call for appt

Level 7 Orchard Shopping Centre 321 Orchard Road S(238866) Next to 313 Somerset MRT

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